Sunday, July 5, 2009

6 Months

Maddux is 6 months old now and this is by far our favorite stage as parents. He is smiling, laughing and trying to eat everything he can grab. We strongly believe that he will skip the crawling stage because he rolls to his back everytime we put him on his stomach since he hates not being able to see the world. His legs are getting really strong which is why he can hold himself up for long periods of time and if you hold his hands and lead him he will start to take small steps. We recently took him to a pool for the first time and besides being a little scared at first (kung fu grip to Mommy) he actually liked it. Another first for Maddux recently was eating solids (more like mushies). He didn't have any trouble with the rice cereal, but isn't really a big fan of carrots (as seen in the video). Enjoy!