Sunday, November 29, 2009

What you have missed...

Sorry everybody for not posting sooner. We have been so busy and the computer was out of commission for awhile, but we are up and running now.

Well, Maddux just now turned 11 months old and here are all the firsts you have missed in the last 4 months:

His first time at a Reno Aces game (our minor league baseball team here in Reno), along with his first Cubs hat this past summer.

His first plane ride (not in my belly) which led to his first time meeting my whole family for my cousin Toby's wedding in Colorado this past August. While we where there Maddux took his first hike (which means Carlos had an extra 15 pounds on his belly). We had a blast and can't wait to go again next August. Here are some pics from the trip.

His first time crawling was right when he just turned 8 months old and was the same day he took 2 unassisted steps. His crawl is an adorable leg dragging scoot.

He got his first tooth (and then three more).

His first time seeing the Cubs live in San Francisco against the Giants. We sat directly behind the Cubs dugout and Maddux was given that ball by one of the coaches.

His first time really walking well was at the beginning of month 10.

He found a new friend.

And here are some of my favorite pics, enjoy:)

Thanks for catching up on the last 4 months of Maddux. More posts soon (I hope).

Thursday, August 6, 2009

10 Reasons Why I Love Being A Mommy!

#10 - His Cry

Although his cry is very loud, how can you not think this face is adorable? Seems as though Maddux is not a water baby like his mother yet, but he will be just give it time.

#9 - Nap Time
Yes, he is sleeping with 1 eye half open and yes, he is sleeping while holding his head rest. His naps are usually in his crib or swing, these just happen to be the only sleeping pics we have. They were taken by our good friend Amit who walked him for an hour and a half ever day for 7 weeks while I recently taught a summer school class. Lucky for him, Maddux slept most of the time, and lucky for me to have such a good friend.

#8 - His Curiosity

Maddux usually studies all new objects placed in front of him then finds a way to make sure they get into his mouth. As you can see in the second picture he can't get the toy in his mouth so he gives up. Maddux did love his walking car that grandma Chris got him to use at her house, since we don't have any hard surfaces at our house.

#7 - Seeing Him Reach Milestones

The first picture is deceiving. He isn't quite crawling, just going from his hands and knees to his back. As I mentioned before, I really don't think he is going to crawl. The second picture shows his true passion, standing. This boy will fuss forever until he is close to a sturdy object so he can pull himself to a stand or use one of us as his sturdy object.

#6 - His Big, Brown Eyes

What more to say!

#5 - His Need For Mommy

I am dreading the day when he is too big to need me.

#4 - Seeing How Much He Loves Daddy

Everday when Carlos walks through the door at about 5:30 pm Maddux lights up. There have been many instances where he has been fussy and the second daddy came through the door everything was wonderful. I think he will be a daddy's boy once he doesn't depend on me for survival.

#3 - Hearing His Sounds and Laughs

Tau had to find a way to get in this top 10 some how.
#2 - Seeing His Smiles

Going into his room in the morning to get him up and seeing a huge smile that greets me makes my entire day. I can't imagine a better way to start your day.

#1 - The Feeling I Get When I See My Son

I love him so much and I am thankful to have a husband that loves him just as much.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

6 Months

Maddux is 6 months old now and this is by far our favorite stage as parents. He is smiling, laughing and trying to eat everything he can grab. We strongly believe that he will skip the crawling stage because he rolls to his back everytime we put him on his stomach since he hates not being able to see the world. His legs are getting really strong which is why he can hold himself up for long periods of time and if you hold his hands and lead him he will start to take small steps. We recently took him to a pool for the first time and besides being a little scared at first (kung fu grip to Mommy) he actually liked it. Another first for Maddux recently was eating solids (more like mushies). He didn't have any trouble with the rice cereal, but isn't really a big fan of carrots (as seen in the video). Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Almost 5 Months

Maddux will be 5 months old in exactly 1 week. Where did the time go? He is doing great, sleeping 7-8 hours at night and spends his days mainly learning and soaking everything up in between naps. He gets bored easily if we aren't keeping his mind occupied, so I spend my days reading and playing with him. Thank goodness for the exersauser that he sits in and turns himself in to play with all of his toys to give mom a break to eat or work. Maddux also has discovered he can fit about 5 fingers in his mouth which is way more fun than a pacifier even if he does gag himself.

I am doing great and love being a mom more than anything. School is out for summer, but I will be teaching a summer school class, Calculus 2 yeah, in a couple weeks. Maddux (Carlos) got me a jogger for Mother's Day so now my daily hour walks are a lot easier. The jogger has 3 tires like bike tires for easy steering and riding, and the wheels don't look like they are going to fall off if I run like they do in the stroller. Mother's Day was fun and busy visiting all the moms and Carlos' baseball game. Being a mother for only 4 months makes me realize Mother's Day should be a month per child at least. What do all you moms think? Below you will see the gifts Maddux got his grandmothers for Mother's Day. This was my attempt at being artistic like my friend Eden, but they don't look as good as her pictures. Enjoy!!!!