Well, Maddux just now turned 11 months old and here are all the firsts you have missed in the last 4 months:
His first time at a Reno Aces game (our minor league baseball team here in Reno), along with his first Cubs hat this past summer.
He got his first tooth (and then three more).

His first time seeing the Cubs live in San Francisco against the Giants. We sat directly behind the Cubs dugout and Maddux was given that ball by one of the coaches.
He found a new friend.

And here are some of my favorite pics, enjoy:)

Great post!! I loved seeing him walking the other day in the office. Here's to almost a year! Can you believe how time has flown by?! Congrats to you all.
What's up with Tau barking (a single bark) in one of the videos?
Was he just trying to showing Maddux he can learn new things too???
you are such a cute little family. i can't believe how big maddux is getting! and sooo handsome!
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