#10 - His Cry
#9 - Nap Time

#8 - His Curiosity

#7 - Seeing Him Reach Milestones

#6 - His Big, Brown Eyes
What more to say!
#5 - His Need For Mommy

I am dreading the day when he is too big to need me.
#4 - Seeing How Much He Loves Daddy
Everday when Carlos walks through the door at about 5:30 pm Maddux lights up. There have been many instances where he has been fussy and the second daddy came through the door everything was wonderful. I think he will be a daddy's boy once he doesn't depend on me for survival.
#3 - Hearing His Sounds and Laughs
Tau had to find a way to get in this top 10 some how.
#2 - Seeing His Smiles

#1 - The Feeling I Get When I See My Son