Born December 26th, 2008 at 12:06 pm
Origin of the name:
Maddux- Named after two time Chicago Cubs pitcher and future Hall of Famer who retired this year.
James- Named after my dad.
Hernandez- You guys can figure that one out.
Well this post was originally going to be my week 38 doctor update, but Maddux decided he would grace us with his presence 12 days early. So here is the story of how Maddux came into our lives. See the slide show below for pictures of the little guy from minute 1 up until day 4.
Carlos and I spent Christmas dinner at my mom's house along with Matt, Carlos' family and the Rabes which was of course wonderful. We decided to take bets on when I would go into labor by picking the date and the sex as a tie breaker. Nobody picked December 26th so my mom decided to buy that square so that we wouldn't have any empties. After dinner, we had a great time playing the game Loaded Questions. The reason I mention this game is because everyone claims that all the laughing I did caused me to go into labor, because my contractions began at 11 pm that night. We decided to go in to the hospital when my contractions were 5 minutes apart so we got into the hospital at about 6 am on December 26th. On the way to the hospital I called my mom to let her know she was going to win the bet (if Maddux waited 12 more hours Matt would have won so you can image what his first words to me were). Once at the hospital I was informed I was still only dilated 3 cm. "What? I was 3 cm a week ago and I have been having contractions for 7 hours!" So I was told to walk the halls for an hour or so to see where I am at because they can not admit me until I am at 4 cm. So I painfully do so and an hour later I am at 5 cm (thank goodness). Yeah, here I go into the labor and delivery room about 8 am. I decide to get an epidural to ease the pain, so by the time I got the epidural it was about 10 am. I had what is called a one-sided epidural due to the curve in my spine only one side of my body was numb, but I thought well I guess half the pain is better than all of the pain. They decided to check me and at about 11 am they were shocked to see I was 10 cm and ready to push, but you can't push until the epidural has worn off a little. "So you are telling me I got 1/2 an epidural and it was only in for 1 hour?" Again, at least it took some pain from me. So by the time the epidural wore off it was 11:45 and time to push. Maddux must have really wanted out because it took only 10 pushes (most first time labors take about an hour of pushing) and out he came at 12:06 pm, a baby boy. Carlos and I were so blessed to have all of our family and my two best friends Whitney and Eden there for the birth. Eden (the amazing photographer) took some great photos so click her link The Thome Family off to the side to see her pictures. This experience has truly been a miracle and I can see why people have so many children. Carlos and I are so thankful to have such supportive family and friends, so thanks to you all.
Weight: 6 lbs 1/2 oz
Height: 19 in
Head Circumference: 12.75 in
Birth Score: 9.9 (they told a concerned Carlos that no baby gets a 10)
Ok, I know this is really what you wanted to see. Enjoy the slide show of the beginning of our new life with the most perfect baby boy.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Week 37 and Belly Shots
Doctor Stats
Week 37:
Total weight gain: 25 lbs.
Dilated 3 cm (baby doesn't come out until 10 cm). This doesn't mean much, according to doc, we could go into labor tonight or not for a couple weeks so he said to make sure our bag is packed (clearly he doesn't know me or he would know that bag was packed a week ago). He is pretty sure though that this baby will be here in December, but who knows, we are just trying to be patient. Belly pictures courtesy of Eden Thome, a great friend with an amazing photography talent and 2 beautiful sons of her own.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I can't believe I am going to say this, but at 36 weeks, this is my favorite stage of pregnancy. Here are the following reasons why I should NOT be saying this. My lungs, which are usually in great shape, have contributed to me sounding like a fat, old man going up the stairs when I am trying to do a basic function like stand up and teach my classes. My stomach is nothing like it used to be, I get so sad to see the extra 3 enchiladas on my plate not get eaten because now only 2 fit in my small stomach. My bladder is determined to force me to go to the bathroom every hour or so, which is annoying since I teach hour and 15 minute classes. My colon, according to the doctor, is the reason I am having a slight pain behind my left ribs and of course all the gas (eewww). But why is all of this happening? Because I have a fully developed baby in my stomach, of course my organs can't breathe!! Which brings me to why this is my favorite stage of pregnancy......I have a fully developed little life that I am entirely responsible for in my stomach. At this point I can feel all the movements and even arms as they move across my belly. Our doctor has us counting how long it takes for the baby to reach 10 movements (rule of thumb: if it takes more than 2 hours call hospital), our baby is always between 5 and 10 minutes. This, according to the doc, is a very good sign: lots of activity=good brain development. But it doesn't bother me that this baby is moving all the time and is never sleeping, because as long as it is moving I know it is in there. I have also noticed that everybody loves a pregnant woman. Up at campus and around town I am always getting looks at the belly then big smiles at me or Carlos which makes me feel really good and proud. Lastly, the anticipation at this stage is so exciting. When will the baby come? Is it a boy or girl (vote to the right of the screen, belly pictures coming to help make your decision)? What will it look like? etc...In conclusion, I couldn't be any happier about this pregnancy and can't wait to see the little one.
Doctor stats
Week 36:
Total weight gain: 23 lbs.
Baby's head is down:)
Keep posted for belly pictures.
Doctor stats
Week 36:
Total weight gain: 23 lbs.
Baby's head is down:)
Keep posted for belly pictures.
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