Almost two weeks old, Maddux seems to be doing just fine. He is eating well and is getting really good at going through diapers. I still have to get used to covering him when removing his diaper because twice now he has shot streams onto Daddy and himself (not very fun to be a part of, but fun to watch I bet!) He is starting to get in a routine with eating and sleeping which is making it really nice on Paige and I.

It seems like Maddux is developing an interest in sports because he will not sit still or go to sleep when a game is on TV. Instead he likes to passionately cry during crucial parts of a game and let the officials know what a great job they are doing. He is becoming quite a Cubs, Bears, and Nevada fan although he doesn't mind rooting for the Vikings when they are not playing the Bears.
I bet Maddux could call a better game than most NFL refs!
Hopefully the Vikings can live up to having his support one day (as limited as it may be :)
he's just sooo mini!
He's a keeper! Taylor and Mackenzie say happy belated Birthday. Taylor also wanted to be sure and just say "Hi!" Dylan loves babies and gave Maddux a kiss. He looks great! I guess we can accept another Bears fan in the family! Maybe you should push the Lions on your next kid so we can have the whole division covered at reunions!
Oh my gosh, I am cracking up! That is one small but serious sports fan! I love that the post was by his sports fan mentor. :)
ok, time for new ones! its been two weeks, thats forever in baby time.
I'm going to go ahead and second that last comment.
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